The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook ハリーポッターの非公式クックブック

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↑↑ Harry Potter ↑↑
The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook

コストコでせがまれた料理本、「The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook」。ハリーポッターの非公式クックブックです。トム・グリム著で、ハリーポッター関係の80種類以上のレシピが載っています!!

He insisted on buying this book at Costco. It contains over 80 Harry Potter themed recipes.

The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook
Tom Grimm
ISBN: 978-1-62669-209-1



Here’s the “Shortcrust howlers", because he needs to be scolded for watching too much YouTube. 🙂

The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook


Looks like it’s a Costco-only book? Priced at $21.99, we got it for $13.79.